Soul Radiance

Developing Radical Self Love + Achieving Energetic Mastery

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Change Your Energy - Change Your LIFE

Hey! I'm Chardonay. I'm here to show you how to get in alignment with your most fulfilling reality. Self doubt, self sabotage, and codependent behaviors and habits are subconscious and energetic blockages that keep you out of touch with your true desires..

I have the tools to break these cycles and get into authentic alignment with your true self through embodying radical self love and achieving energetic mastery, and I'm SO excited to share them with you!

The Deep Waters

Healing the Mother Wound

Join this 6 week transformation of healing the core wound of your maternal lineage and embodying ancestral gifts. In this mentorship, you will learn to connect to your ancestors, invite them into your healing space, and alchemize your mother wound. This life altering course begins September 14th, and is available for pre-registration for only $222 for a limited time!

Receive your ancestral gifts and blessings!

Shadow Child Healing

Shadow Child Healing is a divination, astrology reading, and shadow + inner child healing session that goes to the root of your core wounds, channels ancestral guidance and medicine, and gives you the blueprint for your healing transformation. This is a powerful tool at every point in your journey, whether you're just beginning or have been on this path for a while.

Healing your shadow child allows you to begin releasing the ties to what is no longer serving you.

Ancestral Divination

Ancestral Divinations are a conversation between our collective ancestors using my spiritual gifts and selective tools. These conversations get you the GUIDANCE you need on navigating your current experience, and how to get to your desired experience. Be prepared to take notes, open to healing medicine (in the form of specific things to do or not do), and more.

Accepting and healing your shadow self allows you to experience true, radical self love

Rebirth Reiki

Rebirth Reiki is my personally channeled energy healing modality. We use it to go through each layer of the energetic body first to release the blocages and cast protection, then to realign with our highest good. This process allows us to create the lives we desire by becoming the energy of what we want and magnatizing it to us.

Energetic mastery allows us to be the embodiment of our desires and passions.

Join My Exclusive Membership

Radiant Soul Alignment is a membership program unlike any other! Join for exclusive healing divinations, intuition building exercises, and transformative trainings on healing your life! Founding Members join at only $22.22/month

Our Testimonials

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Chardonay is the real deal! She has such an abundant gift, and I'm so glad she is blessing others by sharing it!

Working with Chardonay has been absolutely AMAZING!!! They have transformed the way I experience my life. The value is so far beyond their prices!

Chardonay has an amazing gift. They are thorough and really take their time to make sure clients obtains the information that they need to heal.

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